28 January 2021

On Thursday 28th of January the aviation community gathered to hear Mark Charman, CEO & Founder of GOOSE Recruitment, Samantha Wilson, Associate Director of Executive Search & Aviation Recruitment of GOOSE Recruitment and Murdo Morrison, Head of Strategic Content at FlightGlobaldeliver the results of The Pilot Survey 2021.

Download The Pilot Survey 2021 report here

You can watch the recording here:

​COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on flight crew, with tens of thousands around the world laid off or furloughed and facing the most uncertain of futures. Together with FlightGlobal, we have surveyed nearly 2,600 of them, from newly-qualified officers to veteran captains, and in this webinar, we discuss the results and implications for the industry.

  • How many of these pilots are out of work?

  • How are they dealing with unemployment, and what do they feel about their prospects?

  • How many have switched or plan to switch careers?

  • What has been the impact on their mental health, and when?

  • If ever – do they anticipate a return to normality?

Each pilot has a story to tell. Together, their responses give us an exclusive and comprehensive snapshot of how the pilot community globally has been impacted by the crisis. The expert panellists from GOOSE Recruitment will explain what the findings tell us, with a Q & A at the end.

Download The Pilot Survey 2021 here

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